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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Working on the feeding!

The babies are now working on their feeding skills everyday. They are doing a great job.
Os bebes estao aprimorando a alimentacao a cada dia. Eles estao se saindo muito bem.



Look at our prince. He does not like bright light but I had to take a picture of his cute face after eating really well. He was so cozy in his little oven. Alex is growing everyday and soon he will be eating by his own. He does a really great job in the breastfeeding and sometimes he does not want let it go and forgets to take a breath here and there...really funny.
Olha o nosso principe hoje. Ele nao gosta da luz muito clara mas eu tinha que tirar a foto dessa carinha fofinha apos uma otima refeicao. Ele estava tao confortavel no forninho dele. Alex esta crescendo a cada dia e logo estara comendo sem a sonda. Ele esta se saindo muito bem nos treinos de amamentacao e as vezes ele ate esquece de respirar...muito engracadinho.


Today our little princess did really well in the breastfeeding also. She is just sleepy all the time and we have to work hard to make her wake up to eat. I toke this picture after she ate and she looked really happy and cozy in her little oven. She is the cutest thing ever!!!
Hoje nossa princesa se saiu muito bem na tentativa de mamar. Ela e muito sonolenta o tempo todo e sempre temos que fazer bastante exercicios para acorda-la. Tirei esta foto apos uma das alimentacoes dela pois ela estava com uma carinha tao linda de feliz e saciada. Ela e a coisa mais fofa do mundo!!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for taking us in today again to visit your precious little ones. they are cuter by the day. i am so proud of my strong little niece and nephew!!!
