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Friday, May 28, 2010

15 Months Check up (15 meses)

The twins came long ways. I remember them being on the 1% on their first couple months of life and see how they have developed it is such a bless.
Alex still had ear infection so there we go for more 13 days of antibiotic and Alana ear infection was gone.
It seems like they are feeling much better than the last 2 weeks so we are getting ready for a long weekend. We have noticed that they love animals and are paying more attention to everything so we are planning to go to the Zoo on Saturday, Children's Museum on Sunday and lunch with friends from Brazil Monday. Yeah it will be fun!

Os gemeos vem desenvolvendo muito bem tanto como altura como em peso. Nos deixa super feliz pois ainda lembro como eles eram super pequeninos quando nasceram e agora Gracas a Deus estao na escala normal. Segunda e feriado entao estamos planejando levar os bbs no zoologico e museu das criancas pela primeira vez, acho que vao gostar pois ja prestam bastante atencao em tudo.

Height: 31"
Weight: 25 lbs
Percentile: 68%

Height: 30" 3/4
Weight: 22.3 lbs
Percentile: 60%

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Lion Waterfall - Cachoeira do Leao

In one of the really hot days my brother drove us to a waterfall that I have not been before. It was the first time the babies went to one and we all had the best time.

More Vacation Pictures - Brazil (mais fotos das ferias)

The twins are spending the little time with Grandparents and I am sure they will have lots of fun and that gave me time to clean the house and catch up on the blog updates. Enjoy it.

Os bebes estao passando a manha com os avos e enquanto isso deu um tempinho pra mim atualizar o site com fotos das ferias.

This was a dinner at Aguirre and Flavia's house and he gave a great surprise, he did bring a old friend of mine that plays guitar and he played the whole night for us. Barbacue, beer, family and alive music...nothing better than that.

O Aguirre e Flavia fizera um maravilhoso jantar e com uma surpresa muito boa. Ele trouxe meu amigao Wallace pra tocar violao. Nada melhor que familia, amigos , musica ao vivo, cerveja e um bom churrasco. Vovo Argemiro e Alex

Aline, my nephew Arthur and Junior

Flavia, her Mom Beth, my niece Thayanne, Graca e my Mom's good friend Zenilda. She makes the best cake ever.

My sweet cousin and Alex
Sister in Law Cleia and Dad, Ceara (Friend)

Having a good time
The barbecue Master.
O mestre o churrasco.

I love this picture of Dad and Alana

Cousins cute


Pay Lake. We love this place it is 20 min away from my home, beautiful place

Travis caught a beautiful fish. It is called Matrinxa and it test great on the grill.

My sweet aunt Dica.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Spring is here!

Alex and Alana had a good time last week playing outside. They are getting used to the grass and they love eating the rocks hahaha. I need to watch out for that.