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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Not feeling good ! :-(

Alex has been feeling really sick today with lots of fever. On top of the ear infection his upper incisors are ready to come through so his gums look pretty bad. I am planning to take a day off tomorrow to take care of them and hope he starts to feel better soon because it breaks my heart seeing my prince like that.
Alana is a champ! She is has got the cold also but she is getting well fast. She had a fun time yesterday with Aunt Chris, Nick , Dakota and Darcy. They went to Johny Carinos, Target, Halloween Usa. She was really happy by the time she got home.
Alex tried to play a little bit this afternoon which is a good sign and Alana being a good sister tried to cheer him up.
Alex teve um dia bem dificil hoje, nao tinha coragem nem de sorrir, febre o dia todo e para completar os dentinhos de cima estao quase saindo o que deve ser muito dolorido pois esta super inflamado. Estou planejando tirar um dia de folga amanha pra cuidar deles pois nao tem condicoes de leva-los pra creche desse jeito. Espero que ele melhore logo pois doi oc oracao ver meu filhote doente.
Alana apesar de estar gripada esta se recuperando mais rapido e hoje a tarde ela tentou animar o maninho bricando na sala. Eles adoram brincar juntos no chao.

Trying to play a little bit.

It looks like Alana is doing some push ups, Don't it?!

Before getting too sick...last week

Friday, September 25, 2009

Ear Infection - Infeccao de ouvido

Just a quick update.
We made a trip to he doctor this evening. They have been fighting a cold for more than 3 weeks. Poor little ones have been feeling well. Running and stuffy nose, fussy and having a hard time to breath, specially on bed time which would made them wake up several times at night. I thought they were getting better for a while but with the new day care there is a good probability that they got a new cold.
Alex has got his first ear infection on his left ear and Alana hasn't got any, thanks God. They started a round of antibiotic tonight that will last 10 days and I hope we see some improvements soon. Even not feeling that great they are still very active and playing a lot.
Hoje levamos os bebes ao medico. Eles estao com uma gripe com mais de 3 semanas, os coitadinhos nao vem se sentindo bem. Nariz escorrendo, congestionado, dificuldade pra respirar especialmente na hora de dormir, acordando varias vezes a noite. Achei que eles estavam se sentindo melhor mas com a creche nova tem uma boa probabilidade que eles pegaram outra gripe. Bem o Alex esta com infeccao de ouvido devido a gripe mas gracas a Deus a Alana nao tem, somente gripe. Eles comecaram uma rodada de antibioticos hoje a noite e espero que eles comecem a sentir bem logo.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Florida 2009

The Hotel - view from the beach
O hotel vista da praia

Alex can not stop looking at the water
At the Aqualand
At the hotel room , Alex getting sleepy.
No hotel, o ALex estava ficando com soninho.
View from the balcony, BEAUTIFUL!
A vista do quarto, muito linda

Alex having fun at the Aqualand
Alex se divertindo no Aqualand
Alana and Alex at the jumper at the Aqualand
Alana in the jumper at the Aqualand
View from Aqualand

Se preparando para ir para a piscina
Alana acting like a top Model !!!! Gorgeous...
Alana posando para as cameras

Aunt Janet, Alex & Alana
Eating at Cracker Barrel
