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Friday, October 30, 2009


Hoje e o aniversario da minha pretinha. E incrivel como o tempo passa rapido pois ano passado ela estava aqui celebrando e apagando as velinhas conosco . Foi uma bencao te-la conosco. Hoje a tia nao podera dar aquele abraco apertado mas vou sempre pedir que Deus lhe ilumine e lhe proteja. Nunca esqueca o quanto a tia lhe ama e se importa com voce. Um beijao de todos aqui Alex, Alana, Travis e eu.

Today's is Aline's Birthday...Last year she was here celebrating with us....Time flies and we miss her a lot. Unfortunately this year I will not be able to give her a big hug but I ask God everyday to protect her and bless her life.We would like to wish her a wonderful day and let her know that we love her very much. Happy Birthday Aline!!!!

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Alex and Alana Baptism

We would like to thank God for this day and our family for being part of this special moment in our lives
Gifs e Recados para Orkut Gratis !
Nos gostariamos de agradecer a familia por ter feito parte deste momento especial em nossas vidas.

Here is Father Meyer blessing the babies with the oil.
O Padre abencoando os bebes com oleo ungido.
The God Parents Nick and Chris Megel.
Os padrinhos Nick e Chris
A prayer and blessing to the Babies, Parents and God Parents. The light of Christ was passed on to us in the candle.
Uma oracao para os bebes, pais e padrinhos. A luz de Cristo foi passada a nos atraves da luz da vela.

In the end we were trying to get a picture with everyone but it is hard to catch the little ones attention.
No final tentamos tirar um foto com todos juntos mas e dificil manter a atencao dos bbs.
Father Meyer, Nick & Chris (Godparents), Ana , Travis, Alex & Alana

4 Generations: Great parents Miller, Grandparents Bob and Judy
Dakota and Alana
Dakota, Darcy and Alana.
Haaha Alex trying to grab on Grandpa's Glasses
Tia Lisha and Cousin Harlan thank you for your presence.


Friday, October 23, 2009


Amanha e o aniversario do meu irmao mais velho: GINO...
Descreve-lo e facil...Uma pessoa calma, quieto mas com um coracao enormeeeee!
Sempre preocupado com a mana que mora longe...quando telefone toca sei que e ele perguntando como estamos...Isso significa o mundo pra mim!
Que Deus te ilumine sempre, mesmo distante voce esta sempre em meu, nossos coracoes. Te amo

Tomorrow is also my Big Brother's Birthday, Aline's Dad. It is really easy to describe him...He is Calm and quiet but has got a Huge Heart. I just wanted him to know that the distance will never be bigger then my love for him...Happy Birthday Gino!

Parabens Manaus 339 Years!

Tomorrow October 24th is Manaus' Anniversary 339 years and I would like to share with you a little bit of the history of the place I was borned and raised, Place that I love will be always in my heart :
Amanha e o Aniversario de Manaus...339 anos e gostaria de compartilhar com amigos e familia que nao conhecem minha cidade,um pouco da historia de onde cresci e fui criada, cidade que amo e sempre tera um lugar no meu coracao!

Manaus is a city in Brazil, the capital of the state of Amazonas. It is situated at the confluence of the Negro and Solimões rivers. It is the most populous city of Amazonas, according to the statistics of Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, and is a popular ecotourism destination. Manaus belongs to mesoregion Center Amazonense and microregion Manaus. It is located in northern Brazil, 1,932 kilometers (1,200 miles) from the federal capital, Brasília. The city was founded in 1669 as the Fort of São José do Rio Negro. It was elevated to a town in 1832 with the name of "Manaus", which means "mother of the gods" in tribute to the indigenous nation of Manaós, and legally transformed into a city on October 24 of 1848 with the name of Cidade da Barra do Rio Negro, Portuguese for "The City of the Margins of Black River". Only on September 4 of 1856 did it revert to its current name. It was known at the beginning of the century, as Heart of the Amazon and City of the Forest. Currently its main economic engine is the Industrial Pool of Manaus. It is the second largest metropolitan area in the Northern Brazil and the twelfth in all of Brazil, with 2,006,870 inhabitants (IBGE/2008). The population at 2008 was of 1.71 million people and it is the eighth most populous city of Brazil according to data from Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, the IBGE. The city gradually increased its participation in the GDP of Brazil in recent years, rising to account for 1.4% of the economy of the country. Currently, the city is one of 12 most influential cities of the country. Manaus alone represents 10.89% of the population of the whole Northern Brazil and 49.9% of the population of the Amazon.

Colina Stadium
The meeting of the waters

Vitoria Regia

The most beautiful Sunset

Sao Sebastiao Church

Aereal View
Ophera House - Teatro Amazonas

Downtown - Centro da Cidade

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Today was our first official family picture day. We wanted to take it before the babies grow too much. The twins are becoming so much fun that made the session really easy. They would smile to every funny sound made by the photographer.
We had an wonderful afternoon and the pictures turned out just wonderful. Enjoy it!
Hoje fomos tirar nossa primeira foto em familia tirada por profissionais. Nos gostariamos de registrar esse momento antes que os bbs crescam muito. Eles estao cada vez mais divertidos e fez com que a sessao fosse divertida. Eles sorriam pra todos os barulhos e caretas que a fotografa fazia. Foi uma tarde maravilhosa e as fotos ficaram lindas. Espero que familia e amigos gostem, estaremos mandando algumas pra familia no Brasil antes do Natal.


Best Friends
Family Moment