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Friday, September 25, 2009

Ear Infection - Infeccao de ouvido

Just a quick update.
We made a trip to he doctor this evening. They have been fighting a cold for more than 3 weeks. Poor little ones have been feeling well. Running and stuffy nose, fussy and having a hard time to breath, specially on bed time which would made them wake up several times at night. I thought they were getting better for a while but with the new day care there is a good probability that they got a new cold.
Alex has got his first ear infection on his left ear and Alana hasn't got any, thanks God. They started a round of antibiotic tonight that will last 10 days and I hope we see some improvements soon. Even not feeling that great they are still very active and playing a lot.
Hoje levamos os bebes ao medico. Eles estao com uma gripe com mais de 3 semanas, os coitadinhos nao vem se sentindo bem. Nariz escorrendo, congestionado, dificuldade pra respirar especialmente na hora de dormir, acordando varias vezes a noite. Achei que eles estavam se sentindo melhor mas com a creche nova tem uma boa probabilidade que eles pegaram outra gripe. Bem o Alex esta com infeccao de ouvido devido a gripe mas gracas a Deus a Alana nao tem, somente gripe. Eles comecaram uma rodada de antibioticos hoje a noite e espero que eles comecem a sentir bem logo.

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