Alex has got several funny faces already. Here is his serious/sexy one.
Alex faz varias carinhas engracadas. Aqui esta a carinha de serio.
Here is my half smile cute.
Aqui esta meio sorriso...tao fofinho.
Aqui esta minha princesa depois de trocar a fraldinha....Tao bom mamae!!!
Acting like a top model...heheh
Olha minha princesa ja fazendo pose.
Sooo sleeppy.
Tanto sonhinhoooo!
After 21 long days we are finally home. Alex and Alana did pass the car seat test yesterday night and they also got their RSV shot. It is really exciting to be able to go back home and take our babies with us.
Depois de 21 longos dias nos estamos indo pra casa. Alex e Alana passaram no teste do assento do carro ontem a noite e receberam a injecao contra RSV. Estamos muito felizes por finalmente poder levar nossos filhotes pra casa.
=============================================================We would like to thank you all the Level2 Nursery nurses and OT from Columbus Regional Hospital for all the dedication, attention, care and love you gave to our babies. We will forever be thankful and soon we will stop by to say hello. You are outstanding!
Nos gostariamos de agradecer todas as enfermeiras do UTI nivel 2 do Hospital de Columbus por toda dedicacao, atencao, carinho a amor que deram aos nossos bebes. Nos sempre seremos gratos e logo estaremos visitando voces pra dar um alo.
yay for the babies being home!! we cant wait to visit once everyone is settled and they are ready for visitors. are mommy and daddy getting enough sleep??
ReplyDeleteWelcome home Alana & Alex. We are so glad to have you here! Love to all-Grandma Judy