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Monday, March 9, 2009

More Updates!

Photobucket SOOOOO CUUUUUTE!!!!
Today we just had time to take picture of Alex during his feeding time. I will take a picture of Alana a post later because she was really sleepy. They both had new outfits on today (Gift from Grandma). They did look really cute.
They are both doing better on the feeding and getting less tired. Today Alex had a feeding without a need of supplements which is the main goal. They need to be able to have all the feedings on their own and we are working on it from 3 to 4 times a day.Their weight is going up everyday. Alana is back to her birth weight : 4lb 10oz and Alex is: 4lb 8oz
Hoje so temos fotos do Alex mas tirarei fotos da Alana depois. Ela estava muito sonolenta. Os dois estavam com roupinhas novas hoje (Dado pela vovo). Eles estavam muito fofos. Eles estao melhorando a cada dia e amamentando mais frequentemente sem cansar muito. O objetivo de agora pra frente e que eles consigam mamar todas as vezes a necessidade de completar a alimentacao pela sonda e ganhar peso. O peso deles estao aumentando todos os dias. Alana esta de volta ao peso de nascimento: 2100 g e Alex: 2050g.
Alex felt in deep sleep after a big meal...He ate a made our day!
Alex caiu no sono apos comer bastante...e muito...Ficamos super felizes!

Playing a little bit with Mommy after feeding time!
Brincando um pouquinho com a mamae apos a comidinha.
Giving Daddy a big smile!
Dando um sorriso para o papai!

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