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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bath time!

First time I got to hold both babies. Twice blessed by God. They got new hats on that their cousin Aline brought from Brazil. Thanks Aline!
Primeira vez que segurei meus bebes. Abencoada por Deus em dobro. Eles estao usando os gorrinhos que a prima Aline trouxe do Brazil. Obrigada Aline.

Yesterday night was bath time!...We didn't know how they were going to react but they both loved it. They didn't cry at all. The nurse (Jane...really nice lady) showed us how to bath them. That was a good lesson. They got new outfits on and were smelling so good.
Ontem a noite foi hora do banho.Nos nao tinhamos ideia de como eles iriam reagir mas os dois adoraram. Eles nao choraram nem um pouquinho. A enfermeira (Jane...muito gente boa) mostrou-nos como dar banho neles. Foi uma boa aula. Eles estavam com roupinhas novas e cheirando como bebes.

Alex's dinner time!
Hora da Janta!

Weights updates: They are going up every day.
Pesos: Eles estao ganhando peso todos os dias.
Alana is: 4lb 14oz (2225g)
Alex is: 4lb 11oz (2130g)

1 comment:

  1. they are gaining weigh so well! yay! Harlan is counting down the days til they can play!!
