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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Alana's first bath at home!


Alana did take her first bath at home yesterday night. It was interesting (not to say funny) to see 3 adults getting so nervous over a bath. Me and Travis holding her and Aline taking pictures. She did cry a little and pooped inside of the tub LOL.The tub did look like a pool compared to her but we did good for our first try.

Ontem a noite a Alana tomou banho em casa pela primeira vez. Foi interessante (pra nao dizer engracado) ver eu e o Travis tentando dar banho nela (maior agunia) e a Aline tirando foto e segurando a chupeta kkk. Nos estavamos um pouco nervososos por que a banheira parecia mais uma piscina mas acho que no final nos saimos bem. Sem contar que ela chorou um pouco e fez um cocozinho dentro da banheira. Aiaiaia

I am not really sure about this bath thing Mom!

Esse banho nao sei nao.

All clean up and smeling like a baby...

Toda limpinha e cheirando a bebe...

Alex can not get in the tub yet because of his circumcision..poor thing have a hard time eveytime we change his diaper...I hate this circumcision is healing still but as soon as it gets better it will be his turn.

O Alex ainda nao pode tomar banho na banheira devido a circuncisao ainda esta sarando e esta dolorida. Mas assim que melhorar sera a vez dele tambem.

You might be curious to know what are these wires. Since Alex had breathing complications in the begining he was allowed to go home with monitors only. The monitor reads his breathing and heartbeat. If something goes below the target the alarm goes off. To take it off he needs to be one month without any bradicardia episodes. Sometimes we even forget he has got them.

Voce deve esta curioso pra saber o que sao esses fios. Bem como o Alex teve bastante complicacoes de respiracao no comeco e so levou alta se tivesse sob monitoramento. Esse monitor ler os batimentos cardiacos e algo estiver abaixo da meta o alarme dispara. Pra tirar totalmente o monitor os episodios de bradicardia tem que sumir ou mais ou menos um mes sem nenhum. As vezes ate esquecemos que ele esta com monitor.

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