Glitter Text Generator -

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Like promised!


Here are some pictures of Alana. She is the lazy one. We always have to wake her up to eat and she makes the cutest faces while waking up. We have noticed that she puckers up her lips while streching or after eating. It is really cute!
Aqui estao algumas fotos da Alana. Ela e a mais preguicosa. Nos sempre temos que acorda-la para comer e ela sempre faz as carinhas mais engracadas pra acoradar. Nos temos percebido que ela faz biquinhos ao acordar ou apos as refeicoes. Muito linda!

She was really tired after eat and was ready to go bed. It looks like she worked really hard, dont' it? heheh
Ela estava muito cansada apos comer e estava pronta pra ir pra cama. Parece que ela trabalhou bastante, nao parece? rsrsr

Ohhh my Gosh...I ate sooooo much!
Ohhh Meu Deus...Comi tannntooo!
Weights updates: They are going up every day.
Pesos: Eles estao ganhando peso todos os dias.
Alana is: 4lb 13oz (2183g)
Alex is: 4lb 9oz (2070g)

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