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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Milk Milk and more Milk!

That is a lot of milk!!!! I thought I was not going be able to nurse 2 babies but the nurse showed us today how much supply of milk we have still...I will confess I was shocked...but I guess that is a good problem to have. They now eat every 3 hours. Alana is on 40 ml and Alex 35 ml.
Muito Leite!!! Eu achava que nao seria capaz de amamentar dois bebes mas as enfermeira nos mostrou hoje quanto de leite estou provendo para os bebes ...Cofesso que fiquei chocada com a quantidade...Mas isso eh um problema bom de se ter. Aprendemos tanto sobre amamentacao e seus beneficios ate agora que aconselho todas as maes. Eles comem a cada 3 horas. Alana 40 ml e Alex 35 ml.

We love the feeding time with the babies. It is such a special moment. They are doing better on it everyday. The goal is develop their sucking skills and muscles. We are really happy for their progress and soon they will be 100% eating by their own.
Nos amamos a hora da amamentacao com os bebes. E um momento muito especial. Eles esta melhorando a cada dia. O obejetivo e que eles desenvolvam a succao e os musculos. Nos estamos muito feliz pelo progresso e logo eles estarao mamando sem a sonda.

Daddy brought them a new swaddle yesterday...They loved it.

Papai comprou um cobertor pros bebes ontem...Eles adoraram.

1 comment:

  1. way to go mommy! that is an awesome amount of milk. we miss the babies and hope to see them soon. give them big wet sloppy kisses from their cousin harlan!love you all!
