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Monday, March 30, 2009

1 month check up...

Today was Alana's 1 month check up and Alex's was last Thursday. It went pretty well. The fun part is trying to get out of the house...We have so much stuff to pack and organize. We have to get started at least 1hr and half earlier. We are learning everyday ...
Hoje foi a consulta de um mes da Alana e a do Alex foi ultima quinta. Foi tudo bem. A parte mais divertida e tentar sair de casa. Tem tanta coisa pra empacotar que temos que comecar a arrumar 1 hora e meia mais cedo. Mas estamos aprendendo a cada dia...
Judy helped me to give Alex a bath and get him dressed up to go to the doctor. Thank you Grandma!!!
A Judy me ajudou a da o banho no Alex. Obrigada vovo!
He was so relaxed during and after the bath. Good job Alex!
Ele estava tao relaxado durante e apos o banho. Muito bem Alex!

I think I like bath so much!!!
Acho que adoro banhos.
Weights Updates:
Alex: 6lb 1oz
Alana: 6lb .5oz

Alex: 19.5 inches
Alana: 18.63 inches

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Piece of Art...1 MONTH OLD!

Rose Pictures, Images and Photos

The twins are 1 month old today so we did decide to take some nice pictures to celebrate. Aline gave us some nice ideas and it worked out great. We are very proud of our job. Enjoy it!
Os gememos estao completando 1 mes de vida hoje entao decidimos tirar umas fotos especiais para comemorar. Aline deu algumas ideias e so tivemos que colocar em pratica. Estamos muito orgulhoso do nosso trabalho de fotogragos...Curtam as fotos voces tambem. Estarei mandando algumas para os tios pela Aline.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

First Sunday at Home (Primeiro Domingo em casa)

Things have been pretty busy lately but I can not complain. The babies are really calm...They just cry when they are hungry, got a dirty diaper or when they got colic. They have been eating every 3 hours which means not much of rest but we are glad the babies are liking home really well.
Estamos muito ocupados ultimamente tentando nos adaptar a nova rotina. Os bebes sao calmos eles so choram quando estao com fome, fralda suja ou colicas. Eles comem de 3 em 3 horas o que nao sobra muito tempo para descanso mas estamos muito felizes em ver que os bebes estao se adaptando em casa.
Dad holding the babies while I was fixing their bottle of milk. Travis has been a wonderful father I could not make it without him.
O papai curuja segurando os bebes enquanto eu praparava o leite. Travis esta sendo um pai maravilhoso..nao sei o que seria de mim sem ele.
Alana is hanging out with Dad. She is having a bad day...lots of colics.
Poor Aline in the background with mask...she is a litte sick but it is just a sore throat...She was worried about having a cold.We really appretiate her worring about the babies. Ahh they are watching Transporter 3 by the way...Not really paying attention on me LoL.
Alana so aproveitando o colindo do pai. Ela teve um dia meio ruim com muitas colicas.
Tadinha da Aline esta um pouquinho doidoi com garganta inflamada mas pra prevenir ela esta usando mascara pra nao deixar os bebes dodoi tambem, agradecemos muito Nine a preocupacao. Ahh eles estao assistindo Carga Explosiva 3...Nem estao prestando atencao em mim kkkk.
Alex is blowing a kiss to everybody.
Alex esta mandando um beijao pra todos.
Aren't I cute????
Nao sou fofinho??? Ahh mae curuja.
Weights update:
Alex: 5lb 9oz (2.52Kg)
Alana: 5lbs 10oz (2.55 Kg)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Alana's first bath at home!


Alana did take her first bath at home yesterday night. It was interesting (not to say funny) to see 3 adults getting so nervous over a bath. Me and Travis holding her and Aline taking pictures. She did cry a little and pooped inside of the tub LOL.The tub did look like a pool compared to her but we did good for our first try.

Ontem a noite a Alana tomou banho em casa pela primeira vez. Foi interessante (pra nao dizer engracado) ver eu e o Travis tentando dar banho nela (maior agunia) e a Aline tirando foto e segurando a chupeta kkk. Nos estavamos um pouco nervososos por que a banheira parecia mais uma piscina mas acho que no final nos saimos bem. Sem contar que ela chorou um pouco e fez um cocozinho dentro da banheira. Aiaiaia

I am not really sure about this bath thing Mom!

Esse banho nao sei nao.

All clean up and smeling like a baby...

Toda limpinha e cheirando a bebe...

Alex can not get in the tub yet because of his circumcision..poor thing have a hard time eveytime we change his diaper...I hate this circumcision is healing still but as soon as it gets better it will be his turn.

O Alex ainda nao pode tomar banho na banheira devido a circuncisao ainda esta sarando e esta dolorida. Mas assim que melhorar sera a vez dele tambem.

You might be curious to know what are these wires. Since Alex had breathing complications in the begining he was allowed to go home with monitors only. The monitor reads his breathing and heartbeat. If something goes below the target the alarm goes off. To take it off he needs to be one month without any bradicardia episodes. Sometimes we even forget he has got them.

Voce deve esta curioso pra saber o que sao esses fios. Bem como o Alex teve bastante complicacoes de respiracao no comeco e so levou alta se tivesse sob monitoramento. Esse monitor ler os batimentos cardiacos e algo estiver abaixo da meta o alarme dispara. Pra tirar totalmente o monitor os episodios de bradicardia tem que sumir ou mais ou menos um mes sem nenhum. As vezes ate esquecemos que ele esta com monitor.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Home YAY!!! ( Indo pra casa)

Alex has got several funny faces already. Here is his serious/sexy one.
Alex faz varias carinhas engracadas. Aqui esta a carinha de serio.

Here is my half smile cute.
Aqui esta meio sorriso...tao fofinho.

Here is my princess after a clean diaper...It feels sooo good.
Aqui esta minha princesa depois de trocar a fraldinha....Tao bom mamae!!!

Acting like a top model...heheh
Olha minha princesa ja fazendo pose.

Sooo sleeppy.
Tanto sonhinhoooo!


After 21 long days we are finally home. Alex and Alana did pass the car seat test yesterday night and they also got their RSV shot. It is really exciting to be able to go back home and take our babies with us.

Depois de 21 longos dias nos estamos indo pra casa. Alex e Alana passaram no teste do assento do carro ontem a noite e receberam a injecao contra RSV. Estamos muito felizes por finalmente poder levar nossos filhotes pra casa.

We would like to thank you all the Level2 Nursery nurses and OT from Columbus Regional Hospital for all the dedication, attention, care and love you gave to our babies. We will forever be thankful and soon we will stop by to say hello. You are outstanding!

Nos gostariamos de agradecer todas as enfermeiras do UTI nivel 2 do Hospital de Columbus por toda dedicacao, atencao, carinho a amor que deram aos nossos bebes. Nos sempre seremos gratos e logo estaremos visitando voces pra dar um alo.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

No more feeding tube!!! (Sonda foi removida)!!!


Today we had another wonderful surprise. The feeding tubes were removed because the babies are eating the whole bottle without the need of supplements. I cannot describe how happy we are. The babies have accomplished so much: Breathing, Swallowing, just 3 weeks. It sounds like a long time for us but for these little ones it has been a big challenge. Our preemies definitely ROCK!

Hoje tivemos outra surpresa maravilhosa. As sondas foram removidas pois os bebes estao comendo toda a mamadeira sem a necessidade de complementos. Nao consigo descrever como estamos felizes. Os bebes tem superado tantos obstaculos: Respirar, engolir, comer...em somente 3 semanas. Parece um longo tempo pra gente mas para bebes prematuros e no caso deles que ainda iriam completar 37 semanas de gestacao semana que vem, e uma realizacao enorme! Nossos prematuros estao arrasando.


My Prince

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sun Roof is gone and we got a 5 pounder !!!! YAY


This morning we had a wonderful suprise when we got to the hospital. The doctor did allow the roof of the incubator to be removed so babies can start to regulate their body temperature by their own.This is a big step which means we are close to go home. It has been 18 long days we can not wait to take our babies home!!!
Esta manha tivemos uma surpresa maravilhosa quando chegamos no hospital. O doutor permitiu que o topo da incubadora fosse removido, assim os bebes estarao a temperatura ambiente e aprendendo a regular a temperatura corporal por eles mesmos. Isso e um grande passo pois significa que logo estaremos em casa. Tem sido longo 18 dias...nao vemos a hora de levar nossos bebes para casa!

They love being together.
Eles adoram ficar juntinhos.


Weights updates: They are going up every day.
Alana is: 5lb .4oz (2280g)
Alex is: 4lb 13oz (2200g)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bath time!

First time I got to hold both babies. Twice blessed by God. They got new hats on that their cousin Aline brought from Brazil. Thanks Aline!
Primeira vez que segurei meus bebes. Abencoada por Deus em dobro. Eles estao usando os gorrinhos que a prima Aline trouxe do Brazil. Obrigada Aline.

Yesterday night was bath time!...We didn't know how they were going to react but they both loved it. They didn't cry at all. The nurse (Jane...really nice lady) showed us how to bath them. That was a good lesson. They got new outfits on and were smelling so good.
Ontem a noite foi hora do banho.Nos nao tinhamos ideia de como eles iriam reagir mas os dois adoraram. Eles nao choraram nem um pouquinho. A enfermeira (Jane...muito gente boa) mostrou-nos como dar banho neles. Foi uma boa aula. Eles estavam com roupinhas novas e cheirando como bebes.

Alex's dinner time!
Hora da Janta!

Weights updates: They are going up every day.
Pesos: Eles estao ganhando peso todos os dias.
Alana is: 4lb 14oz (2225g)
Alex is: 4lb 11oz (2130g)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Like promised!


Here are some pictures of Alana. She is the lazy one. We always have to wake her up to eat and she makes the cutest faces while waking up. We have noticed that she puckers up her lips while streching or after eating. It is really cute!
Aqui estao algumas fotos da Alana. Ela e a mais preguicosa. Nos sempre temos que acorda-la para comer e ela sempre faz as carinhas mais engracadas pra acoradar. Nos temos percebido que ela faz biquinhos ao acordar ou apos as refeicoes. Muito linda!

She was really tired after eat and was ready to go bed. It looks like she worked really hard, dont' it? heheh
Ela estava muito cansada apos comer e estava pronta pra ir pra cama. Parece que ela trabalhou bastante, nao parece? rsrsr

Ohhh my Gosh...I ate sooooo much!
Ohhh Meu Deus...Comi tannntooo!
Weights updates: They are going up every day.
Pesos: Eles estao ganhando peso todos os dias.
Alana is: 4lb 13oz (2183g)
Alex is: 4lb 9oz (2070g)