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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dinner at Grandparents!

Yesterday we had dinner at Judy & Bob's house. It was nice to get out of the house and it was the kids first time at their grandparents' house. The babies are getting stronger which make us feel more confident in getting out of the house. The dinner was delicious!

Ontem a noite nos fomos jantar na casa da Judy & Bob. Foi muito bom sair de casa um pouco e espairecer a mente. Foi a primeira vez que os gemeos foram pra casa dos avos. Agora que eles estao ficando mais fortinhos estamos aprendendo a sair aos poucos. A janta estava otima.
Alex was all dressed up and ready to go.
Alex estava todo arrumadinho e pronto pra sair.
Look at my princess. She was all dressed up also. She is looking at the light through the is so funny she loves lights.
Olha a minha princesa. Ela tambem estava toda pronta pra sair. Ela esta olhando a luz pela janela...e tao engracado ela adora luzes.
Fashion Girl heheh!

We tried to take a picture of them together with the same outfit style but it didn't work that great. Alana was out and Alex was not so happy with the position.
Nos tentamos tirar um foto dos dois juntinhos com o mesmo tipo de roupa mas nao deu muito certo. Alana esta dormindo e o Alex reclamando da posicao.

Alex had a big bottle of milk and was relaxing with Dad afterwards.
Alex bebeu uma mamadeira de leite e estava relaxando com o Pai depois de comer.

Alana was sleeping the whole time. We had to leave her in the car seat.

Alana estava dormindo o tempo todo. Tivemos que deixar ela na cestinha.

Here is Tio Justin feeding Harlan and holding Alex at the sametime. Lisha was working but we missed her.
Aqui esta o tio Justin dando mamadeira para o Harlan segurando o Alex ao mesmo tempo.

Aline learned how to make pizza fruit with Judy after dinner. It looked and tested great...Delicious!
Aline aprendeu a fazer pizza de fruta com a Judy apos o jantar. Estava uma delicia.
Aline is going back to Brazil in one week and we will miss her a lot. We have been blessed for having her with us.

Aline estara voltando pra casa em uma semana, nos sentiremos muitas saudades dela. Fomos muito abencoados em te-la conosco.


  1. i missed you all too but it looks like you had a wonderful time!!

  2. Mais meus piminhos sao uns anjinhos,e sao xiks bem!!!!
    Obrigado tia por tudo!!!!
