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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunny Day! (Um dia de calor na Primavera)

Saturday was beautiful outside so we did take the babies out to get some fresh air. We did take lots of pictures to share with family and friends.
Sabado foi um dia lindo entao levamos os bebes la pra tras de casa pra respirar um arzinho fresco. Tiramos bastante fotos pra dividir com amigos e familia.

My princess was enjoying the nice weather.
Minha princesa estava adorando o calorzinho.
Alana is starting to pay attention when we play with her...look at her cute.
Alana esta comecando a prestar atencao quando brincamos com ela...olha a carinha dela..muito fofa.

Blowing a kiss to everybody
Mandando um beijinho pra todos.
Gosh I look please just pay attention on Alana hehe...
Jezz estou com uma cara de cansada..por favor nao prestem atencao em mim somente na Alana kkk
Travis did take few minutes in the evening to fish. He deserves it..again I could not make without him...he caught a bass...nice catch!
Travis tirou uns minutinhos pra pescar...pegou um Bass.
Playtime with Alana by the pond.

Ok now let me talk about Alex...he was sleeping almost the whole time...
Vou falar do Alex agora...mas ele dormiu quase o tempo todo...
Still sleeping....
When he finally woke up...he played with me for few minutes than guess?
Quando finalmente ele acordou...brincou um poquinho e depois advinha?

He started making hungry faces hahah
Comecou a fazer carinha de fome kkk.
Really hungry!!!
Muita fome!!!
Here is a video for the family in Brazil. Kisses and miss you guys!
Aqui esta um video para a familia no Brasil. Beijos e muitas saudades.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Meeting Friends (Visita de Domingo)

Last Sunday Alex and Alana met new friends from Brazil. It was fun to meet them and talk for a while. We loved the gifts. Thank you Luciana, Erica and Ana Maria. You are welcome anytime.
Domingo passado algumas amigas brasileiras vieram visitar os bebes. Foi muito bom recebe-las e conversar um pouco. Nos adoramos os presentes. Obrigada Luciana, Erica e Ana Maria. Sintam-se bem vindas a qualquer hora.
Alex was really enjoying being held by Erica.
O Alex estava adorando o colinho da Erica.
He was enjoying Luciana's company too.
Ele tambem estava curtindo o colinho da Lu.

Erica e Alana

Alana was a little sleepy but I am glad she was awake while the girls were here.
Olha a Alana bocejando enquanto a Aninha segurava ela.:-)
Alana and Luciana
Alex, Erica, Alana & Luciana. You girls need to come over more often to make these babies sleep...Look how they felt sleep so easily.
Meninas voces tem que vir nos visitar mais vezes...olha so como os bebes cairam no sono.
Alana...ZZZzzzzzzzzz. It didn't last that long...

Friday, April 17, 2009

It is not easy to say Good Bye! (Despedidas nao sao faceis!)


Today is a sad day! We had to say Good Bye to Aline. I knew that day was coming but it is never easy. It seems like was just yesterday that she arrived but time flies and 6 months went by so fast. Having her with us was like having a piece of home close to me. I thank God for every moment I was able to spend with her. As everybody knows I did not have an easy pregnancy and she helped me so much during and after it. It was special that she was able to see the babies as soon as they were born and saw them growing and getting stronger everyday. She stayed up with me several nights helping me with the babies, changing diapers, feeding and loving them. My heart is broken and I miss her already. I will miss our conversations, her company and fun times we spent together. We have been blessed in having her with us. She is moving to another phase of her life and we wish her the best luck and hope this experience helped her to learn and grow even more.
Hoje e um dia muito triste! Tivemos que nos despedir da Aline. Sabiamos que este dia iria chegar mas despedidas nunca sao faceis principalmente daqueles que amamos. Parece que foi ontem que ela chegou, como o tempo voa e 6 meses passaram tao rapido. Ter a Aline conosco foi como ter um pedacinho de casa perto de mim. Agradeco muito a Deus por todos os momentos que passamos juntas. Como muitos sabem nao tive uma gravidez facil e ela me ajudou tanto, durante e apos o parto. Foi muito especial que ela pode ver os bebes assim que nasceram, viu eles sofrerem e sofreu conosco, viu eles crescerem e ficarem cada vez mais fortes. Nunca esquecerei as noites em claros que ela passou comigo ajudando a cuidar dos bebes, trocando fraldas, dando mamadeiras e amando-os a cada momento. Meu coracao esta partido e ja sinto a falta dela. Sentirei falta das nossas conversas, companhia e bons momentos que passamos juntas. Nos fomos abencoados em te-la conosco esses 6 meses. Agora sera uma nova fase na vida dela e nos desejamos tudo de bom, boa sorte e esperamos que ela tenha aprendido e crescido cada vez mais com essa experiencia. Lhe amamos Aline e ate logo!
Chris, Niki, Dakota and Darcy stopped by to say bye to Aline.
Chris, Niki, Dakota e Darcy vieram se despedir da Aline.
Aline put a smile on Dakota's face...Cute!
Aline fez o Dakota sorrir.
Alex and Alana were ready to go out to dinner for the first time.
Alex e Alana estavam prontinhos para irem jantar fora pela primeira vez.

Lisha gave Aline a good bye gift. It was Harlan's picture...So cute!
Lisa deu uma foto do Harlan como presente de despedida pra Aline.
Alana and Alex behave themselves really well for the first time. They were sleeping the whole time.
Os bebes se comportaram muito bem para a primeira vez jantando fora. Dormiram o tempo todo.
Eating some Calamari...Delicious.
Comendo um polvinho..humm que delicia.

Bob & Judy gave Aline a cooking book as a good bye gift. That was really nice of them and we would like to thank them for everything they did for her.
Bob& Judy deram um livro de receitas americanas de presente de despedida. Nos gostariamos de agradecer por tudo que eles fizeram por ela.
Harlan was enjoying his meal. I like his eating technique by the way.
Harlan estava comendo tambem...olha a tecnica.
We could not forget the dessert...hummm
Nao poderiamos esquecer da sobremesa...hmmmm

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dinner at Grandparents!

Yesterday we had dinner at Judy & Bob's house. It was nice to get out of the house and it was the kids first time at their grandparents' house. The babies are getting stronger which make us feel more confident in getting out of the house. The dinner was delicious!

Ontem a noite nos fomos jantar na casa da Judy & Bob. Foi muito bom sair de casa um pouco e espairecer a mente. Foi a primeira vez que os gemeos foram pra casa dos avos. Agora que eles estao ficando mais fortinhos estamos aprendendo a sair aos poucos. A janta estava otima.
Alex was all dressed up and ready to go.
Alex estava todo arrumadinho e pronto pra sair.
Look at my princess. She was all dressed up also. She is looking at the light through the is so funny she loves lights.
Olha a minha princesa. Ela tambem estava toda pronta pra sair. Ela esta olhando a luz pela janela...e tao engracado ela adora luzes.
Fashion Girl heheh!

We tried to take a picture of them together with the same outfit style but it didn't work that great. Alana was out and Alex was not so happy with the position.
Nos tentamos tirar um foto dos dois juntinhos com o mesmo tipo de roupa mas nao deu muito certo. Alana esta dormindo e o Alex reclamando da posicao.

Alex had a big bottle of milk and was relaxing with Dad afterwards.
Alex bebeu uma mamadeira de leite e estava relaxando com o Pai depois de comer.

Alana was sleeping the whole time. We had to leave her in the car seat.

Alana estava dormindo o tempo todo. Tivemos que deixar ela na cestinha.

Here is Tio Justin feeding Harlan and holding Alex at the sametime. Lisha was working but we missed her.
Aqui esta o tio Justin dando mamadeira para o Harlan segurando o Alex ao mesmo tempo.

Aline learned how to make pizza fruit with Judy after dinner. It looked and tested great...Delicious!
Aline aprendeu a fazer pizza de fruta com a Judy apos o jantar. Estava uma delicia.
Aline is going back to Brazil in one week and we will miss her a lot. We have been blessed for having her with us.

Aline estara voltando pra casa em uma semana, nos sentiremos muitas saudades dela. Fomos muito abencoados em te-la conosco.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Learning everyday...and not much of sleep hehehe

Things have been pretty busy with the twins finally I got sometime to update the blog with new pictures. Let me hurry up before they wake up...hehehe
Estamos tao ocupados ultimamente com os gemeos e finalmente tive um tempinho pra colocar novas fotos no site. Mas deixa eu me apressar antes que eles acordem.


Here is Alex taking a nap beside Dad. It didn't last that long...
Alex tirando um cochilo do ladinho do Pai. Nao durou muito nao...
Alana was really fussy that day. She has lots of colics problems and sometimes she just calm down when I lay her on my chest and sometimes nothing works besides time and patience.
Alana estava meio enjoadinha neste dia. Ela tem muito problemas de colica e as vezes ela so se acalma quando eu seguro ela no meu peito e as vezes nada funciona e muita calma e paciencia.
There we were trying the swinger to calm her down. It did work for few minutes...
Tentando o balancinho pra acalmar a Alana...funcionou por alguns minutos...

Hard life...
Ohh vida dura!

Grandpa came over to help...He was holding Alex and Alana while I was doing some work. Thanks Bob!
O vovo veio ajudar...Estava segurando os bbs enquanto eu fazia alguns trabalhos. Obrigada Bob.
We would like to Photobucket JUSTIN, LISHA & HARLAN to North Vernon. We are really happy to have you here.