This is Alex little house where he is learning to breath. He likes it warm and dark . We are not able to hold him yet but we will soon.
Esta e a casinha do Alex. Ele gosta de quentinho e escuro. Nos nao podemos segura-lo ainda mas com a Bencao de Deus iremos em breve.
Amo o papai
This was today 02/27/09. It was Daddy's time to hold her while she was eating.They were both really enjoying it. Besides that she does not cry with him but she cries with me.
Esta foto foi hoje 27/02/09. Foi a vez do papai de segura-la enquanto ela comia. Os dois estavam curtindo bem o momento. Mas ela nao chora com ele ...ela chora comigo as vezes.
Ela estava gostando bastante.
Eu nao estou bonita na foto mas Alana esta LINDA.
Alana is now just with the feeding tube. She is eating formula every 3 hours and we go to the nursery to hold her while she is eating.This was my first time holding her and it was a SPECIAL moment.
Alana esta usando somente a sonda. Ela esta comendo leite especial a cada 3 horas e nos vamos la pra segura-la enquanto ela come. Esta foi minha primeira vez que carreguei-a e foi um momento muito ESPECIAL.
I LOVE the pictures with Mommy and Daddy. What a special time for you two and Alana. I know it wont be long til Alex is just as strong as his "little" sister. I am such a lucky Tia, because I have the most beautiful niece and nephew. You guys are in my thoughts all the time, I love you all!!!