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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Day - Dia de Natal

Here are some pictures of our Christmas morning. It was funny to see the babies trying pull the tree and for sure they were more interested on the gift paper than the gifts itself. Hehehehe
Aqui estao algumas fotos da nossa manha de Natal. Foi muito engracado ver os bbs querendo puxar a arvore de Natal. Eles estavao mais interessados no papel de presente do que nos presentes. Muito engracado.

Attacking the tree!

Don and Janet gave the babies these cute laptops. (One out of many adorable gifts) Now they can play with their own instead of ours.
Os bbs ganharam esses notebooks, muito bonitinhos. Agora eles podem brincar com os computadores deles ao inves dos nossos rsrsrs

I got this adorable pink camera from Travis. It is the cutest thing. I loved it. I could not leave this picture out.
Travis me deu essa camera rosa linda. Adorei

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Eve - Vespera de Natal

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve. The twins had lots of fun. Thank you Bob and Judy for the great time. The food was great and thanks to everyone for all the gifts.

Tivemos uma vespera de Natal abencoada. Os bbs se divertiram bastante. Agradecemos aos meus sogros por terem preparado tudo, a comida estava otima e obrigada a todos pelos presentes. Senti muita falta da minha familia mas tenho fe em Deus que logo estaremos todos juntos.

Janet and Alana
Grandpa Miller, Janet and Alana.

Judy, Travis, Grandma Miller and Alex.

What is up???


Bob put a play room together for the kids, it looks GREAT. So colorful, lots of toys and the best part is the kids can fall and they do not get hurt. Bob you are the best!!!!
Meu sogro montou uma sala somente para as criancas brincarem. Eles adoraram, super colorida, cheia de brinquedos e a melhor parte e que como o chao e de borracha eles nao se machucam quando caem.
The goodies!!!!
Harlan and Lisha
Family moment
Harlan was trying to escape hehehe
Doesn't Darcy look cute???

The cutest couple ever!
Yeahhh Alana is almost walking
Time to open gifts!!!!Again thanks to everyone for all the wonderful gifts.
Hora de abrir os presentes

Travis and Alana putting Harlan's 4 wheeler together.

Harlan will sign up for the poker run next year. Go Harlan!
Alex resting at Grandma's arms.
Alex tirando um cochilo nos bracos da avo.
Alana is giving her first steps...She is almost there.
Alana comecou a dar os primeiros passinhos.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas at the Day Care! Natal na Creche

The twins got to see Santa Claus for the first time at the Day Care Christmas party last weekend. They did not what to think at first...cried a lot but the party was lots of fun. The kids got wonderful gifts and eat lots of good food.
Os gemeos viram Papai Noel pela primeira vez semana passada na festa de Natal da creche. Eles nao gostaram muito do Papai Noel de primeira, choraram logo mas a festa foi bem divertida com todos os coleguinhas, presentes e guloseimas.
All the friends eating was delicious.
Todos os amiguinhos comendo bolo...estava uma delicia.

Denise (Teacher) and Alana
Wilda (Teacher) and Alana
Who is this guy!!??

Friday, December 18, 2009

Colts vs Titans

I am way behind on posts. Between the kids sick, little remodeling and work there is not much time left. I can not wait for the Christmas brake. Here are some pictures from couple weeks ago when Colts played against Titans. The twins were definitely dressed for the occasion. Go Colts!!!

Estou um pouco atrasada em atualizar o blog mas entre os bbs doentes, arrumando a casa e trabalho nao esta sobrando muito tempo. Aqui estao algumas fotos de quando o Colts (time de futebol americano de Indiana) jogou contra os Titans (time de futebol do Tenesse). Os gemeos estavam vestidos para a torcer.